Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Choosing the right weight

Depending on your goals you can choose how many plates are you going to put on the barbell. For trials its best to use 80%-100% of 1 rep max. This will help you to get your strength levels up quickly and also heavy squats and deadlifts are perfect for boosting your testosterone levels which will help you with all the other lifts and burning fat/gaining muscle whatever your goals are.
If you think youre already quite strong and lack in explosive speed its better to use about 50%-80% of your 1RM. This weight range is more for strenght-speed.
25%-50% is best for speed-strength, now you will get more speed than strength out of your training.
And for pure speed training its up to 25% of your 1RM, this will already be pretty much like plyometrics.
20inchdude on OTN.com said that he is doing longer sets because that should help him with long sections. For the endurance in sections its best to ride sections and if you feel that isnt enough you could try HIIT training. In the gym I would concentrate on getting your lifts up. For this its best to use 1-5 reps per set for bigger compound lifts like squat, deadlift and benchpress and 8-12 reps for assistance work (dips, curls, tricep extensions etc.)
For calves and abs you can do 15-20 reps as these muscles are in work the whole day and need some more volume.